The story revolves around a young girl who is passionate and loves every breath of life. She finally got admission to college today, and it is the first day of college life. Everything was new here, people, surroundings-but she was eagerly waiting for new friends. She goes on forming bonds, with her charming personality leaving a long-lasting impression on everyone she meets. The plot takes a turn when a boy emerges in her life, carrying significant changes.
The author has done a pretty good job of capturing deep emotions from young women who get a caring life partner and make a lifetime full of treasured memories. It is an exciting mix of suspense and romance, weaved together in this novel that readers of socio-romantic stories will devour. Check out more like this novel rozan e zindan
More great stuff for lovers of this novel-Salsabeel by Nayab Jillani, Ek Teri Chahat by Fatima Ahmed, Dil Kanch Ka Ghar by Umme Iman Qazi, and so forth. You may also read Man Yaram Novel by Maha Gul
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